Frequently Asked Questions - NRA Basic Pistol - CCW Training

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the question to revival the answer.

How many instructors are there?

Our classes have one NRA certified instructor (Timothy Golden) and from time to time (Bryan & Chris Golden) will be assisting. They also maintain a current Ohio license to carry a concealed handgun.

What are the requirements to apply for a Concealed Handgun License?

The law sets out minimum educational requirements that are a component of the various forms of competency certification as set forth previously. The total time required for training is 8 hours with a minimum of 2 hours of in-person training that consists of range time and live-fire training. The law requires certified training in the following matters:

The ability to name, explain, and demonstrate the rules for safe handling of a handgun and proper storage practices for handguns and ammunition;
The ability to demonstrate and explain how to handle ammunition in a safe manner;
The ability to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to shoot a handgun in a safe manner;
Gun-handling training.

Additionally, you must have two hours of in-person training, including range time and live-fire experience. The applicant also must complete an examination that tests his competency. The test must include a written section on the ability to name and explain the rules for the safe handling of a handgun and proper storage practices for handguns and ammunition. Additionally, the exam must include an in-person physical demonstration of competency on handgun usage and rules for safe handling and storage of a handgun. It also must require a physical demonstration of the attitude necessary to shoot a handgun in a safe manner.

Am I eligible to take this class?

Generally, any person who may legally discharge a handgun within the state of Ohio may take this course. However, Ohio laws states, you must be at least 21 years of age, and meet all the requirements of 2923.125 of the Ohio Revised Code to procure a license to carry a concealed handgun. If you fit within the criteria, you are eligible. If you have any questions, email me your question(s) before continuing.

Is lunch provided?

No, Golden Trigger does not provide lunch, however we do allow a specific amount of time for a lunch break and if you would like to arrange a group pizza order with other classmates, that would be acceptable. There will be coffee and bottle water available at no charge during the class.

How many breaks are there and when are the breaks?

We follow NRA guidlines for breaks, there will be a break every 50 minutes and a hour for lunch.

What do I get by taking this class?

Physically: you will receive a NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, and Winchester / NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet as well as a NRA certificate showing you successfully passed the NRA Basic Firearms class (if applicable).

Mentally: we hope you walk away from this class with a firm understand of how to properly and safly load, fire, unload, and clean any conceiled firearm.

May I bring my firearm into the classroom?

Yes, however we must insist that while transporting (and/or) storing the firearm in (and/or) out of our classroom, your firearm shall be kept it in a case (preferably lockable). In addition, you understand that we are not liable for any damage (and/or) theft of the said firearm.

May I bring my ammunition into the classroom?

NO! Ammunition in the classroom is prohibited! If we discover that, you brought live, dummy, or any other type of rounds into the classroom you will be asked to leave, and no refund will be issued.
You Have Been Warned!

Is eye and ear protection provided?

No. Please bring eye and ear protection.

Is a handgun or ammunition provided?

As of now, No. Please bring a handgun and at least 40 to 50 rounds of ammunition.

What type of handgun and ammunition shall I bring?

If you have little to no experience shooting, I recommend using a 22-caliber pistol. In addition, the handgun must be one that can hold at least five (5) rounds. The caliber can be as small as a 22 but not larger than a 45. We also recommend target loads. Reloads are not permitted for this class.

What should I bring?

We suggest you bring the following: pen or pencil, paper for notes, highlighter, sticky notes, and a good attitude.

However you must bring the following: a firearm, weather appropriate clothing, eye and ear protection, and at least 50 rounds of factory made ammunition*.

*NOTE* Please read the guidelines about firearms and ammunition in and out of the classroom.

Will I be taped or photographed?

Yes, for your safety and security our classroom has a CCTV recording system. We also may or may not take photographs (and/or) recordings for advertising (and/or) marketing reasons.

Who designed and hosts this amazing website?

The Golden Trigger website has been designed by Vortex Technology Network, LLC, as well as designing the website, they also provide our hosting and custom script development needs.